Senin, 30 September 2013

One of the rarest fruit in my motherland...

Well, so in this month I just want you guys to know that in this month I would like to share a blog about treasure. For about 2 weeks I’m looking for the hidden treasure inside my homestay, Tlogowaru. I think not all of you know about Tlogowaru, aren’t you? Exactly. But for me this place is my live. I linger here for about 3 years, and I still have 1,5 years to spent it. Let me share my beautiful and crazy journey.......
sense of nature :)

Thursday, 19th September 2013

                Sun still alive and shinning to me and all the world. Today, I put my foot up and I begin to walk around my village. I’m not alone..a few people accompany me to walk. The cars and motorcycle sound so crush. I can’t walk fastly but the day gonna be dark. I walk carefully and see any thing beside me.. “nothing’s interest” I guess. But when I gradually go to the backside of this village, I see many things are interest and it could be take by my self. I see many thing there and that’s so nature. I see the broken road, greenfield and I see one thing that make me so excited. This one !

                One things you have to know guys that I extremely love fruits! All kinds of fruits I loved.  When I see a fruit above, firsty I don’t know what it called but I asked to the society and they usually call it  by “genitu”. Here it is!
Me and the tree :)

The leaves are two-color, large canopy providing shade, as green apple fruit, flesh, the sap is white and soft as a bottle of milk, how exotic. Genitu (there is also recited Kenitu) is the magic sound of the name, which is only known in the local and surrounding Malang. Can be derived from it original name Chrysopyllum cainito. Kainito, kenitu, genitu rhyming fairly well, isn’t it?

I try to pick it but it cancelled :D have to know guys that I have been got some information from the society about this thing by a small conversation. Well, at the first time when I walked and took my picture with this tree, a person look at me and he look deeply. I’m getting confused but gradually he asked  me” what will you do here?” Then I told him and he told me also all about genitu. Just call him by Mr. D J.
My first question is about the history of this fruit. Then that man said “I don’t know the history of this fruit but I know that this fruit came from Jember, East Java” ( He’s not answer my question actually, but thanks, Sir :)
My Second question : “Why some of people called it genitu? “ then he answered that that name came from the word “genit” ( so? ) When you open that fruit became two, you’ll find everything inside is slimy and it make the one who see it feel excited and want it more and more. Then he related it with the daily live where every people is feel so excited when they see the interest thing and the interest one for Javanese called by genit. See?
How to eat it?
1. Split into two pieces through the center line
2. Take a piece of white fruits like mucus with a spoon
3. Throw away the black seed or you can plant it :)
Uses :
Generally consumed as fresh fruit, can also be used as the raw material of ice cream. This tree will release it fruits after the age of 5-6 years, and the fruit is usually release during the dry season. Many parts of the tree are medicinal such as bark, sap, fruit and seeds. The extracts of the leaves is used to cure diabetes and arthritis. The bark can  produced tonic and cough medicine.

The tree is often used as an ornamental and shade in parks and roadside. The wood is pretty good as a building material and the old branches are used to grow orchids.
I feel cool and relax when I'm be there :)