Rabu, 16 April 2014


Hubble Telescope
Galaxies, stars, planets, sun, asteroids and the other beautiful phenomenons were decorate our universe. Several of them were already known by the telescope. There is one giant telescope which can see a lot of phenomenons outside our earth. It is names hubble telescope. This telescope was made by  NASA and leaded by Edwin Hubble in USA. Hubble works on the top of our atmosphere so it makes Hubble free from the distortion. This telescope already help astronomical improvement in order to keep our earth from the hit of outside objects.
Hubble really inspire me for dreaming. If I could be the Hubble telescope , I would look for the most beautiful place for humans live except in the earth. If I am hubble telescope , I will record all events in space and I will inform to all mankind . If I would be the hubble telescope , I could meet with smart scientists throughout the world . If I become huble telescope, I will not feel sleepy so I will be able to continue working . If I were hubble telescope, I would never felt the pain inside my heart , scolded by the teacher , came late and did other tasks . If I became hubble telescope I could fly , I would never hurted and everyone would love me and proud of me . 
Doung some task
Fortunately, I'm not the hubble telescope , so I will not be controlled by other people ... I had my own world!
Feel so happy with my world

Mmm, we can dreaming as what we gonna reach. But remember, whatever we want is not whatever we need. So be yourself  and SEIZE YOUR DREAMS.

Rizka :)

Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Be The Best Generation For Our Nation

Indonesia is very beautiful country with multitude number of cultures. For more than centennial, all societies in Indonesia always keep it. A lot of culture was already decorate our country beutifully. This culture was spreadout around our country, it means that every region has their own special culture. The culture of Indonesia also has been knew by all people around the world.
Pendet, Bali
The beautiful culture in Indonesia has a very contrast situation with the teenagers. I thought that all people know that teenager are the next generation that will be lead our nation. The fact is, not all teenagers know this thing. Some of them love this country and several of them like devoid of nationalism to this country. Did you think this is an immense problem? Is it have to solved?
XI Science 4, we are teenagers

The other things that we faced are the devastation. From the data, the devastation always preservered in our country.  A lot of people already became the victims of the devastation. Their heart was really vulnarable. Their shock because of the disaster is irremediable.
Dealing with the the fact in the second paragraph, what is the relation between the teenager and also the societies in our country? The awaraness of the teenagers in our country is still bad. Several of them don’t want to help the others who need their help. However, there are still a lot of victims who is femine. They can not eat as what the need before the disaster coming. they just wait and wait for the others help. The most incredible things when the disaster come is the societies who became the victims of the disaster always stay on their strongest power and they don't forget to always praying and keep on fire to reach their own goal in life.
Penderitaan korban bencana Gunung Kelud menjadi salah satu obyek kampanye para caleg dengan modus pemberian bantuan./*ist
Kelud-Kediri, 2014
Eventually, we as teenagers may not to just sit own and became a solitaire for our life and our surroundings. We have to be emphaty on how their  feelings. We have to keep this country together and used our bifocals point. It means that we may not to be the egoism one. Take care to the others, love our country and be the best generation for our nation J

Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Make a Move

Every moment was beautiful. It was became whether the best or the worst part which accompany you during your time. Every single moment is too risk to forgot. The same way with me, I also have a lot of beautiful moment in my life. Let’s say it was a reflection.
I would never be as Rizka as what do you know without my surrounding. For has been 17 years until know, they were still keep me inside their golden heart. I was falling down for several times and they wake me up. I was run and I’m tired, but they always cheers me. Maybe I was afraid to find the joy where I belong. But, now I am here and I am reaching my dream. I sent my big grateful for God who always keep me, bless me and for all live. For my parents and sister, I miss you so bad. Thank you for every moment we did, for the warmth, for all happines you were created for me and thanks for being everything and more. My family, my teacher and my friends let me say my huge apologize and thank you for all moment you made. For my Shark, for my SA and my partner thank you for make me alive and feel good when I’m linger here. In previous year, I was individualist and always work hardly until there’s no time to just close my eyes. I was so naughty, easily got badmood and always make my class became so crowded. I can’t be such as a real mother for my house, I can’t manage my time well and I always want to be number one.But I still keep my principe and concept for live.
When there is a will there is a wish, when there is a reflection from past there will be resolution for next. My reflection reallt taught me how to be the real and beautiful girl, ever. How to say thank you, how to apologize and the other how. I’ve felt how the fallen feels like. I am try to trying and trying until I reach what I wanna got. In this year and other next year. What will I do in this resolution part?  The first is can make my parents proud of me, whatever the way is. The second can improve my ability on writing ang analyzing something new. I can eneter FTTM ITB. I can be make good networking with others, I don’t ever felt badmood again and I am trying to make everything simple. I have to reach 4 competiton minimally and I win in it.

Reflection and Resolution was really can push me to do work. I can know what happen in the past and make it such as a beautiful knowledge I ever had. I also know what I can do in this year and the next year to make my self better. No one can make you move, unless yourself do it ( Rizka ).