Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Be The Best Generation For Our Nation

Indonesia is very beautiful country with multitude number of cultures. For more than centennial, all societies in Indonesia always keep it. A lot of culture was already decorate our country beutifully. This culture was spreadout around our country, it means that every region has their own special culture. The culture of Indonesia also has been knew by all people around the world.
Pendet, Bali
The beautiful culture in Indonesia has a very contrast situation with the teenagers. I thought that all people know that teenager are the next generation that will be lead our nation. The fact is, not all teenagers know this thing. Some of them love this country and several of them like devoid of nationalism to this country. Did you think this is an immense problem? Is it have to solved?
XI Science 4, we are teenagers

The other things that we faced are the devastation. From the data, the devastation always preservered in our country.  A lot of people already became the victims of the devastation. Their heart was really vulnarable. Their shock because of the disaster is irremediable.
Dealing with the the fact in the second paragraph, what is the relation between the teenager and also the societies in our country? The awaraness of the teenagers in our country is still bad. Several of them don’t want to help the others who need their help. However, there are still a lot of victims who is femine. They can not eat as what the need before the disaster coming. they just wait and wait for the others help. The most incredible things when the disaster come is the societies who became the victims of the disaster always stay on their strongest power and they don't forget to always praying and keep on fire to reach their own goal in life.
Penderitaan korban bencana Gunung Kelud menjadi salah satu obyek kampanye para caleg dengan modus pemberian bantuan./*ist
Kelud-Kediri, 2014
Eventually, we as teenagers may not to just sit own and became a solitaire for our life and our surroundings. We have to be emphaty on how their  feelings. We have to keep this country together and used our bifocals point. It means that we may not to be the egoism one. Take care to the others, love our country and be the best generation for our nation J