Rabu, 16 April 2014


Hubble Telescope
Galaxies, stars, planets, sun, asteroids and the other beautiful phenomenons were decorate our universe. Several of them were already known by the telescope. There is one giant telescope which can see a lot of phenomenons outside our earth. It is names hubble telescope. This telescope was made by  NASA and leaded by Edwin Hubble in USA. Hubble works on the top of our atmosphere so it makes Hubble free from the distortion. This telescope already help astronomical improvement in order to keep our earth from the hit of outside objects.
Hubble really inspire me for dreaming. If I could be the Hubble telescope , I would look for the most beautiful place for humans live except in the earth. If I am hubble telescope , I will record all events in space and I will inform to all mankind . If I would be the hubble telescope , I could meet with smart scientists throughout the world . If I become huble telescope, I will not feel sleepy so I will be able to continue working . If I were hubble telescope, I would never felt the pain inside my heart , scolded by the teacher , came late and did other tasks . If I became hubble telescope I could fly , I would never hurted and everyone would love me and proud of me . 
Doung some task
Fortunately, I'm not the hubble telescope , so I will not be controlled by other people ... I had my own world!
Feel so happy with my world

Mmm, we can dreaming as what we gonna reach. But remember, whatever we want is not whatever we need. So be yourself  and SEIZE YOUR DREAMS.

Rizka :)