Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Me and small parts of Me

and they are Small parts of me...

1. Stopwatch
For me time is the real money. I really do not like everything called slow. Something that goes fast will obtained quick resulst. You know stopwatch right? Exactly. If you do not know see the picture and animation below this paragraph!  Just like the animation, the stopwatch is running very fast and precise. The stopwatch does not care about anything done by something else, it  always consistent with the numbers kept changing in it. Likewise with me, for me and all my friends who've become my work partner think so. I'm someone who is fast and do not be left behind. I arrange my schedule as consistent as possible. I really do not like slow. Once again do not like! When we can do it faster, why should be slowed?
Stopwatch always run fastly
Behind my fast character, I was a melancholy. And why did I choose mimosa pudica ? Have you ever touched it? What did it  do when you touch it? It  certainly will close its leaves. Motion to close of mimosa pudica’s leaves just like me when other people touch me. It means that when I see others who feel distress or when I see a movie or when there are other people who feel sad or hurt even though. I would feel the same way. I would feel like a limp mimosa pudica’s leaves when touched. Mimosa just let someone else do it and let someone do that same things continously. Mimosa also has beautiful flowers and thorns. Sometimes outrageous sense of my melancholy can make other people happy but also can hurt others. So be careful with me!
Mimosa pudica when it fresh and when it has been touched

Candle is a lighthing when the light is off. Candle shine in the dark. But to me the meaning of the candle is not that short. Candle to me here has two sides. If we pour water on it, surely the water will not be absorbed into it because the wax layer is very strong closed. Similarly with me, I was very closed as wax layer. I do not and can not tell what I feel any feelings to others. Although they were  my parents. I just keep it alone. For example, when people touch me. Touching here means a lot. Could mean there are people who love me J hurt me or another. I belong to those who closed. All the feelings that I feel I buried by myself and I never told it to everyone. And if you know  I'm a cool person too. Like a wax layer that drains out all the water droplets was lining. Water before I take as an insult. So, I'm not going to assume ridicule from everyone. Because this is me. Candles can burn and illuminate. I can also burn when I'm too tired for some reason and can say negative things that I had felt before. But I'm also a light, because of what? Because I can be a place to vent because I'm going to kep your secret. So,tell me your secret J
That's me and I'm proud to be my self :)
a little Candle shine in the dark
That's me and I'm proud to be my self :)

4 komentar:

  1. It's quite ironical when you say that you feel you bury yourself.. I believe that you can be more extrovert and let others know something about you.. You are a good friend for others, then let others become yours too..

  2. riz,, you already motivate me :) thank you very much :D
    after i read your blog, especially about the stopwatch, it's so interesting.
    do you know ? now, i have style that same with you. mm,, yes, what else if not do something fastly ^ ^
    thanks a lot rizzzzzzzzz
